Reject hopelessness.
Embrace joy.
Go to battle.
What is The Windmill Project?
There are a lot of huge horrible people and companies with lots of money and power, wreaking havoc on our beautiful lives. The Windmill Project is how we are fighting back!
The old tale of Don Quixote inspired our name: he tilted at windmills, even though they were large and solid and powerful, and he but flesh and blood.
We are merely individual people, going up against politicians, companies, and self-righteous pompous nitwits who believe their view of the world is the only right one. And you know what?
We’re gonna win this battle, and the next, and the next - we just gotta keep tilting at those windmills!
Want to try some tilting?
forced arbitration contracts
If you live in the USA, you have probably signed away your rights to sue companies dozens of times. Somewhere buried in every hundred page contract that you sign online is a paragraph that takes away your legal ability to fight back against terrible companies. But we’ve got some ideas…
Learn more and join us in our legal theory testing!
coming soon!
Almost every chocolate company in the USA uses slaves to make your chocolate - including children! Doesn’t it seem like billion-dollar companies knowingly benefiting from child slavery should be something everyone should know?
Take just a minute to place little info cards in the chocolate section during your next shopping trip, so people can learn where their chocolate comes from!
Federally-sanctioned cruelty - WTF
This is about calling out the cruelty, hypocrisy, and incompetence in current US events. There are two choices:
Yelling at the world [IN PROCESS, WAIT A SEC, OKAY?] (satisfying, but probably won’t change any minds)
Nudging the world - less satisfying if you’re filled with rage, but could actually change minds